Who is God? Part 1

Remember what happened long ago, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and no one is like me. I declare the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done, saying: my plan will take place, and I will do all my will. Isaiah 46:9-10 CSB

Who is God? Something so simple, but this is probably one of, if not the, most important questions we could ever ask. What we deem as “god” will hold the highest value in our lives. I think most of us, deep down, really feel that life is not all about us. To be honest, I don’t want the universe to revolve around me anyway: I’m flawed, I get tired, I get moody, I get hangry, I am selfish, I get angry in traffic (I learned the universal ‘honking’ language while living in Florida). I need to know there’s something more stable out there that is governing the universe. I want to know that this Being is the reason all things exist and that all things exist for that Being.

“I think most of us, deep down, really feel that life is not all about us…”

So, you may ask, “I thought this site exists for help with affliction?” In one sense, yes, but our ultimate goal is to see God for who He is, despite affliction- possibly especially during affliction. The goal is to see God’s glory and to give Him glory.

The Bible is actually pretty straightforward on why things exist: for the glory of God. Now, that would entail that there is a God that is truly worthy enough to have all things exist for Him. Also, this God, if He is actually that worthy for all things to exist for Himself, then He in and of Himself would exist for Himself and He accomplishes His own will (see verse above). That may sound crazy, but we will be unpacking this concept in the next few parts.

“… theology should be objective and not based on who I want God to be.”

Theology starts at the study of God. God. Not the study of us or me. We tend to get that mixed up. We think that “God exists for me” when in fact, all things exist for Him. This God is truly the center of all existence. We do have a role within God’s plan for the universe, which God Himself declares that role. Theology is the study of God, who God is, His characteristics, and then later, how He relates to us and how we relate to him. Because I’m flawed and my mind is so fickle, theology should be as objective as possible and not based on who I want God to be. Instead, truth changes my thinking, not my thinking changing the truth.

That said, I agree with RC Sproul in that everyone is a theologian. We all contemplate the existence of God one way or another. In doing that, we are engaging in theology. So let’s jump into learning about the God that is shown in the Bible.

– Austin

One comment

  1. I am so thankful god created me. I am pleased to serve him the best that I can. I feel he put each of us on this earth for a reason. God is good I give his praises daily for putting me here.