About Us

Why does this website exist?

GettingJob-ed.org exists for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). This is why anything exists. This is why you exist. Specifically, our organization exists to help people see God for who is He is and His glory, despite our circumstances. After Job is confronted with the majesty and weight of who God is, despite Job’s pain and suffering, Job responds to God:

I know that you can do anything
and no plan of yours can be thwarted.
You asked, “Who is this who conceals my counsel with ignorance?”
Surely I spoke about things I did not understand,
things too wondrous for me to know.
You said, “Listen now, and I will speak.
When I question you, you will inform me.”
I had heard reports about you,
but now my eyes have seen you.
Therefore, I reject my words and am sorry for them;
I am dust and ashes. Job 42:2-6 CSB

We want to help others see that God reveals His glory to us, especially during affliction (Job 36:15). This is not some kind of form of martyrdom but instead to show that there can be joy in sorrow as 2 Corinthians 6:10 says. For God to reveal Himself to us, whether in good times or affliction, is God being compassionate and merciful (James 5:11). The goal of this organization is to see God for who He is. So as you come along with us in exploring this reality, we hope you’ll always be Getting Job-ed.

You may ask “well then, aren’t there enough resources on the topic of suffering?” Maybe. But this site doesn’t just exist for the suffering aspect. The goal is to see God for who He is, despite our circumstances- whether good or bad. From the perspective of affliction, we want to show that this is a two-fold goal:

  1. To see that God is revealing Himself to us, especially during affliction (Proverbs 3:12, Job 36:15, Hebrews 10:31-39). Our goal is to have our eyes cleared to be able to see Him.
  2. That we are to bring Him glory even in our suffering (1 Corinthians 10:31).

I wanted it to be clear, our organization doesn’t exist as a part of the self-help movement so that if you do X, Y, and Z then maybe you’ll have a good weekend. Our joy, our satisfaction, is a deeper issue.

So, as we kick off this lifelong endeavor, our goal is to glorify God in what we do and to see God for who He really is. We want to help you on that journey. We won’t shy away from pain nor will we shy away from the parts of the Bible that make us uncomfortable. Let’s start digging in to learn about the only Being that will truly satisfy our souls!