Why are we tempted?

Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Matthew 4:1 CSB


God in His Providence and Sovereignty does not even allow the temptation to go wasted. Now, for everyone who just had a heart attack and throwing James 1:13 out there in that God does not tempt anyone, I would agree with (at least, as the causing agent of temptation- that’s a later conversation). But look at the verse above: Jesus was led by the Spirit to be tempted by the devil… When someone calls that this is a contradiction, is it? How do we reconcile that?

“… testing of faith is a refinement of our relationship with God.” 

As I said before, God does not allow anything to happen to fall outside of His will and serves as a bigger purpose. James 1:2 CSB also says, “Consider it a great joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you experience various trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance.” This “testing” of faith is a refinement of our relationship with God. I agree with John Piper on the point that even affliction is also persecution of our faith. Could we agree that, from Satan’s afflictions he put on Job, those were meant to steal Job’s faith so that he may curse God (Job 1-2)? It definitely was. Is that a temptation also (to curse God from the affliction)? Yes, it is. Satan’s purpose was for those to cause Job to curse God (Job 1:11, 2:5), thus, for the purpose of stealing Job’s faith. I call that persecution for sure.

“… ‘testing’ and ‘tempting’ do serve a purpose within God’s will, even if His hand is not the one that moves to cause it directly.”

So, looking at the Bible: “testing” and “tempting” do serve a purpose within God’s will, even if His hand is not the one that moves to cause it directly. We see this in Job 1-2 with Satan afflicting Job but under the permission of God. The purpose is to refine and strengthen us (James 1:2), to grow and build that relationship and dependency on God- not ourselves or anyone else.
