The Inspiration of Scripture Part 2 of 2

The following is a paper written for Belhaven University in 2023 by Austin Rankin. The topic is the Inspiration of Scripture: What guided the Bible’s composition? This is part 2 of 2:

The Importance of the Doctrine of Inspiration

The importance of the doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture cannot be overstated. There are at least three major reasons why this doctrine is so important: 1.) That there is truth in a world that refuses to believe in truth, 2.) this truth communicates to mankind that there is a God and that He wants to be known by His people, and 3.) the doctrine of inspiration touches all other doctrines in relation to Scripture. 

At least in the culture of America and most developing countries, the concept of objective truth is becoming more and more appalling each day. Existentialism and relativism pervade the majority of the epistemology of the culture. When engaging with people on the topics of right and wrong, truth claims, etc. I like to ask those whom I am speaking with: “But what if there is a real standard for objective truth that exists outside of our own opinions, thoughts, or feelings?” Scripture attests to being that authority, that standard of objective truth. As stated before, any position on making a statement about truth, in one way or another, is a claim to authority on objective truth. (21) The real question is does the Bible demonstrate an accurate representation of the reality we live in, have an answer for the issues that pervade that reality, and offer a cohesiveness to the Bible in its entirety? (22)

The concept of there being a “god” that exists is not unique to the Christian faith. Scripture communicates to mankind why there is evil/injustice that is clearly seen in the world and then also that Scripture portrays a God that is reconciling His creation to Himself. This communicates an explanation of why the reality that they live in is the way that it is and then also offers the solution to the problem. (23) The fact that there is a God that actually wants to communicate with His people is incredible. (24) The God of Scripture does this through the inspiration of human writers. 

The doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture, by its nature, touches all other doctrines in regard to Scripture. (25) If there is a God that is righteous and holy and He communicates His word to His people, that Word, in and of itself, is both inerrant and infallible. If a God that is perfect actually exists, then His word will be made clear and consistent throughout its writings. The communication that God gives and that is available in the time/setting of His people will be both necessary and comprehensive in order to bring those people to salvation (John 20:30-31). 

How does the doctrine of inspiration shape my life and ministry?

How does the doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture shape my life and ministry? In my personal life, having an objective truth to appeal to provides much stability in ever so shakey times. Everything is so incredibly fickle and untrustworthy today: to have a truth that is coherent, logical, and unchanging is so incredibly grounding to me in my personal walk with God. Walking in the faith that Scripture is in fact God’s very Word gives so much rest to my soul. 

In regard to ministry, the inspiration of Scripture actually assists greatly in partaking in apologetics: instead of constantly playing defense (as that is how apologetics can feel in handling attacks from the culture) it actually gives us the advantage of playing offense because it is the authoritative objective truth to appeal to. Having a rock-solid truth to appeal to helps so much in counseling others into seeing the truth of God’s Word in order to ground them. Also, the authority of God’s Word has a standard of accountability for how I conduct myself in ministry. That accountability really does help me guide through various temptations that present themselves throughout ministry life. 


In conclusion, the inspiration of Scripture is such a beautiful doctrine that should be studied. The importance of the inspiration of Scripture truly cannot be overstated. The purpose of this paper was to define what the doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture is, to discuss what the bible teaches about this doctrine, to state the importance of this doctrine, and to acknowledge how this doctrine has shaped my life and ministry. The study of the doctrine of inspiration has been life-changing and has sparked a fire in my soul to study deeper into the topic. 



21. Grudem, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine, 68-69.

22. John Piper, “Why We Believe the Bible: Session 4,” accessed February 21, 2023, https://www.desiringgod


23. Austin Rankin, “Video Series: Who is God? Part 2,” accessed February 23, 2023,


24. Frame, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief, 536.

25. Frame, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief, 536.


Baucham, Vodie, “Why you can believe the Bible,” accessed February 16, 2023, https://www.

Frame, John, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief, (New Jersey, P&R 

Publishing Company, 2013). 

Grudem, Wayne, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine, 2nd ed., (Michigan, 

Zondervan, 2020). 

Mackie, Tim, “Making of the Bible,” accessed February 15, 2023,

Piper, John, “Why We Believe the Bible: Session 1,” accessed February 16, 2023, https://www.

Piper, John, “Why We Believe the Bible: Session 3,” accessed February 16, 2023, https://www.

Piper, John, “Why We Believe the Bible: Session 4,” accessed February 21, 2023, https://www.

 Rankin, Austin, “Video Series: Who is God? Part 2,” accessed February 23, 2023, https://

Sproul, R.C., “Defending the Faith,” accessed February 21, 2023,
