See God for Who He Is

Open my eyes so that I may contemplate
wondrous things from your instruction. Psalm 119:18 CSB

Theology really matters. People may say, “I don’t want any of that technical jargon, I want to just know God…” Well, that by definition, is engaging in a conversation of theology (This means the ‘Study of God,’ a word/lesson/wisdom on God- See RC Sproul Introduction to Systematic Theology, it’s so good!).

As we talked about in a previous article, we know that it is so crucial to really see God for who He is. Mark 8:11-21 We see that it is entirely possible to be a ‘disciple’ and have eyes and not see ears and not hear (vs. 18). Jesus is talking to His disciples and blatantly asks them, “Do you have eyes and not see; do you have ears and not hear (Mark 8:18 CSB)?” Have you ever driving in super dense fog and not knowing what’s in front of you? That’s a scary place to be: seeing but really not seeing what’s in front of you!

I feel like a large part of our Christian walk is, with God’s help, scraping the scales from our eyes so we can truly see Him for who He is (both Jesus as God and the Trinity). In Job 42:2-6 CSB, after a long discourse on the Sovereignty of God from Elihu and God, Job says:

I know that you can do anything
and no plan of yours can be thwarted.
You asked, “Who is this who conceals my counsel with ignorance?”
Surely I spoke about things I did not understand,
things too wondrous for me to know.
You said, “Listen now, and I will speak.
When I question you, you will inform me.”
I had heard reports about you,
but now my eyes have seen you.
Therefore, I reject my words and am sorry for them;
I am dust and ashes. 

At least to the degree that our finite human minds can comprehend (we can never begin to scratch the depths of God, Romans 11: 33-36), seeing God for who He is is so incredibly important. This involves humbling ourselves in front of a Sovereign God, to submit to His Kingship. This kingdom is His, not ours. Seeing God for who He is involves seeing His character throughout the Bible unapologetically. After we are able to see Him, then we are able to grow deeper roots in the most important relationship we could ever have. This takes prayer and deep study into His Word. Seeing God for who He is is loving God for all He is.



Sproul, R.C. Foundations (1 of 59): What Is Theology? YouTube. YouTube, 2019.