
Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 CSB


Relationships have to be intentional. This is true with anyone, but I’ve found it especially with my wife and I. I have to pursue her and not only that, I want to pursue her. I think that’s at least one reason why marriage is a reflection of our relationship with God. No doubt, God pursues us first. But I have found that if I don’t pursue Him, my relationship slips and to be honest, everything else in life begins to grind each others’ gears.


So, begin to think through some strategies on how to grow and foster that relationship. Whether getting up earlier to study, meditate and pray or whatever it takes. This is the most important relationship you could ever have (Matthew 10:37-39) and God is jealous for that place in your life.

“If I don’t pursue Him… everything else in life begins to grind each other’s gears.”

One strategy that I’ve employed is what I call Prayer:30. What I had been finding is that at work I would be so busy, so stressed, and moving so fast that I wouldn’t even think about God hardly at all through the day. This is the Creator of the Universe! The most important Being in existence! How could I not be stopping at least once to pause and give Him some time to foster that relationship? Now, this isn’t some kind of religious dogma or check box I want to check: I want this to grow that relationship. So midday, every day, I have an alarm set so that it stops me and keeps my mind in check… What I’ve found is that I’ve truly been thinking, pondering, and praying about God more throughout the day than I ever have in the past!


So here’s the challenge: find ways to put more of God into your life, whether through a devotional, prayer at a certain time, getting up earlier, praying and/or reading with your spouse or family, whatever it takes. This is the most important relationship you could ever grow and to be honest, this relationship will guide all other relationships.

