Advent Day 22: No Room in the Inn

And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn… He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. Luke 2:7 and John 1:11 ESV


We’re winding down the Christmas season and what was the first article we released? Prepare Him room. Jesus was born in a manger because there wasn’t room in the inn. What most people would say is irony I would argue that with Scripturally there isn’t a concept of irony. Have you ever stopped to think of the concept? We can never truly know what the intention was behind the innkeeper not accepting Mary and Joseph in the inn. Whether malice for not wanting to accept a young girl who is actively giving birth or if the inn was truly at capacity for travelers that are going back to their hometowns for the census (Luke 2:1-5), etc., we will never know. The true question would have been if the God of the universe was paving the way through history and even through political powers to bring about His Son into the world (like through a tax to get Mary and Joseph back to Bethlehem), couldn’t He have arranged a room for the mother to give birth? The answer is simple: yes of course.

No Room

As we have observed in previous articles but especially on day 20, the King that was to come was going to have a difficult road ahead. This was planned meticulously with purpose. Even Christ being betrayed into sinful hands was a part of God’s infinite will and wisdom (Acts 2:23, 4:27-28). This was seen in Isaiah 53 also, over 700 years before His coming. This was all planned for Christ. It shows us that His road was never easy, even as a baby coming into this world. Our road is not an easy one if we are following Christ (John 15:19-20). But this is not the last word, those who persevere will see the Glory of God and enter into everlasting joy (Revelation 21-22).

It’s not too late

Have you made room for Christ this Christmas? If you’re reading this article the call is this: it’s not too late. If you’re alive, it’s not too late to pursue God with all of your heart and soul (Matthew 22:36-40). This season is absolutely insane and fast-moving, and not only that, the world is growing crazier by the day. Turn to Him. Leave all else if you have to, this King is worth it. He is the only Being worthy of our devotion and honor. Don’t be like those that are mentioned in the opening verses: Jesus came and His own people and they did not receive Him. If you’re hearing the call, make room for Christ, while there is still time.
