The Cure for Anxiety Part 2 of 2

Therefore I tell you: Don’t worry about your life… Can any of you add one moment to his life-span by worrying?… But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be provided for you. Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:25, 27, 33-34 CSB


In the last part, we saw that putting our trust in anything but a Sovereign God is absolutely futile. In this section, Jesus takes it even a step further saying to not even worry about your life. Anyone else feel a little more mortal and vulnerable in the last year with COVID? COVID actually wasn’t what really made me feel my mortality. I was in a major car accident this last year, I had never felt more mortal in my life! That’s a huge blessing really… Because we are! God has control over our life (Matthew 10:29).

“Seeking God’s Glory and His Kingdom is what we were created for…”

The point of these two sections is that God is the answer to all of our anxieties and cravings. Seeking God’s Glory and His Kingdom is what we were created for. I feel like in the last year, in particular, the enemy has been very strategic in what he wants us to put our trust in: a job, vaccines, money, stimulus checks, unemployment, the election… Don’t be sucked into that. It’s not that, necessarily, any of those can be bad on their own, but are they ‘mamona’ to you (see the prior part)? At one time last year, I may have thought that COVID was my biggest threat to my life, but then I was in a major car accident requiring multiple surgeries, drastically changing that view. God is in control of that. We are so mortal, so weak. Where do we have our treasure?

