What’s the Purpose of Affliction?

God rescues the afflicted by their affliction; he opens their ears by their distress. Job 36:15 CSB and Hebrew Interlinear


To nail down one single purpose of affliction that an all-wise, all-powerful God uses to bring about His Sovereign will may be a bit futile. But we do catch, in scripture, some reasons why He may use affliction. But one thing is made very clear: there is purpose in your pain…

Elihu’s address in the Book of Job is the only account we should trust from Job’s 4 friends (he shows up near the end of the book). Elihu offers a huge address on God’s Sovereignty and Providence and near the end says an amazing statement about God: “He causes this to happen for punishment, for His land, or for His faithful love” Job 37:13 CSB. So, in a large way, God conducts His Sovereign will over creation for punishment, maintaining the world we live in, or for His faithful love. It’s pretty generalized and all-encompassing, but it’s actually very amazing.

I wanted to write this section based on how God acts in affliction to His followers and to what purpose. Elihu also writes:

God rescues the afflicted by their affliction; He opens their ears by their distress. Job 36:15 CSB and Hebrew

That’s a lot to chew on and has huge implications for our lives and how we view the world.

“God rescues the afflicted by their affliction…” 

Can you believe this about God? Does He rescue the afflicted by their afflictions? This would correspond with Paul in 2 Corinthians 12 and in Proverbs 3:12 CSB that states “for the LORD disciplines the one he loves…” This is not Prosperity Gospel that suggests if you’re good and do good, that good will happen. This is saying that God loves you enough to afflict you in order to keep you close and reliant on Him. He is saving us from ourselves because He is Sovereign and can see the big picture that no one else can see. He knows what we need, don’t need, and where we need correcting. This is true love from Him: to do whatever He has to do to make us more reliant on Him and to clear our vision to see God for who He is.

Do we see this in any other places in scripture? Yes, look at John 11 with Lazarus dying. The text says in John 11:3-6 CSB and Greek Interlinear:

“Lord, the one you love is sick.” When Jesus heard it, he said, “This sickness will not end in death but is for the glory of God so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” Now Jesus loved Martha, her sister, and Lazarus. Therefore, when he heard that he was sick, he stayed two more days in the place where he was.

          Did you catch it? Jesus loved Lazarus, Mary, and Martha and therefore, when He heard that he was sick, Jesus stayed away for two more days, which caused Lazarus to die before Jesus could get there. Why? So they could see the glory of God in Jesus. He allowed Lazarus to die so they could see His glory. Those are huge implications for our lives.

“Therefore, when he heard that he was sick, he stayed two more days…”

I want to end this section with a quote by John Piper:

The glory of God in Jesus is the only thing that can satisfy your soul. You were made for this. Therefore, if he must take away your health for you to see that, if he must take away your wife for you to see that, if he must take away your life for you to see that, that is love. Jesus loved Lazarus and Mary and Martha. He loved them. And therefore, he let Lazarus die so that they could see the glory of God.

Is there room in your theology to believe this also?


Excerpt from Getting Job-ed.